Sunday, March 30, 2008


I am starting to walk now! I have been practicing but I still need some work.

Birthday Party

I had a small party for my first birthday.

Hazel was there and a lot of the family and friends!

It is fun opening gifts when you have lots of help!

Mommy made me a cake that looked like a puppy dog. It was a great time!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is my 1st Birthday!!!
I ate Chipotle for the first time and I open up some gifts that people sent!

I also got my first taste of ice cream with a dairy queen cake!

I didn't get to eat the whole thing but I sure loved what I got!!!

Grandma Lucy was in town and stopped in later that night with Aunt Cari and Hazel to wish me a happy birthday!

All in all it was a good day!